Shoshone County IDGenWeb is a free genealogical and historical collection of information provided by volunteers. We hope you find helpful clues for your research of ancestors and relatives of Shoshone county.
The IDGenWeb Project was created in 1996, and this Shoshone County site has played it's part since the beginning! - Click HERE to learn more.
Please consider contributing your pieces of Shoshone county family history. Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome. Won't you help Shoshone County IDGenWeb grow by sharing your resources?
We would like to have you join us at IDGenWeb in our efforts to help others with their Idaho genealogy endeavors.
The first organized unit of government within Idaho boundaries, created and named for the Shoshone Indians in 1858 by the Washington Territorial Legislature. Established 4 Feb 1864 with its county seat at Pierce. In 1885 the county seat was moved to Murray, in 1890 to Osborn, and finally to Wallace in 1893. - Robert Stach, former Shoshone County Coordinator.
Mountain men traveled through the county in the early 1800's, and Catholic missionaries were here in the 1840's and 1850's. Captain John Mullen constructed a road of sorts through the county in 1860-61. The discovery of lead, zince and silver in 1884 near present-day Kellogg drew a heavy population to the area.- Idaho Almanac, State of Idaho, 1977
The county seat of Shoshone County is Wallace.
Make sure you check the "Research Resources" section!
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I am Randy Cummings, volunteer coordinator for this Shoshone County, Idaho site. We hope you enjoy your visit. Please contact us if you have any suggestions or contributions you would like to make.
Copyright Notice: All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator and/or contributor. They may be linked to but may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission from their contributor. These pages and the information provided here may be used by genealogists freely, but these pages and their content may not be copied for commercial use of any kind.
Site update July 2023
Please, If you would like to add resources, if you know of something that should be linked here or if you have any problems using this website contact us.
Coordinator - Randy Cummings
State Coordinator - Kerry A Hairston